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US CIA report on COVID origin can affect geopolitical relations as it is said Coronavirus may have originated from China Wuhan Lab

US CIA report on COVID origin can affect geopolitical relations

Washington: America’s national intelligence agency CIA has changed its position on the origin of novel corona virus. Earlier they said that the infection spreads through animals. But the report published on Saturday said that the virus may have spread somehow from the laboratory in China. Not a new investigative report, but an old report prepared at the behest of the former CIA director of the Joe Biden administration. Donald Trump has appointed John Batcliffe to head the CIA. It was on his orders that the ‘secret’ report was released. (US COVID-19 Report)

According to the report, after seeing all the evidence, the CIA believes that the virus did not spread naturally. Rather, the virus spreads from a laboratory. But there are doubts about this report. Because reports claiming that the virus originated in a laboratory are lacking in evidence, conclusive, and conflicting, some of the evidence has been cited. Earlier reports were confused about whether the corona virus accidentally spread from a Chinese laboratory, or whether it spread naturally. (CIA COVID Report)

After Trump came to power, questions started to arise as to why the old files were suddenly brought forward. But this new report also has no definite answer. Rather, according to experts, this debate will never end. China is not cooperating with this. However, the CIA is still investigating the origin of the COVID-19 virus. Whether the virus spreads naturally or is spread from a laboratory, both sides are being investigated. American senators are constantly pressuring the CIA to find out the origin of the pandemic that brought the world’s economy to a standstill, millions of people died.

Although the epidemic crisis is over, the world is still suffering its consequences. Its long-term impact is felt in international geopolitics as well. With the new Trump administration deciding to open the file against China, there are fears that the diplomatic conflict will intensify. However, Republican Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas claims that the virus may have spread from a Chinese laboratory. So far that seems to be the most plausible theory. He also commented that China should pay the price to bring down the disaster in the world.

China, however, dismissed all speculations. They claim that they are being targeted for political purposes. Liu Pengu, a spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in the US, said, “We strongly oppose this politics and the attempt to smear China about the origin of the virus. Request to all, respect science, stay away from conspiracy theories.”

The first confirmed case of COVID-19 infection was in November 2019. The infection was first reported to have spread from a meat market in Wuhan, China. When the investigation started on the matter, the topic of Wuhan laboratory came up. The report published by America two years ago said that although there is a possibility that the virus may have spread from Wuhan, nothing has been confirmed in this regard. As soon as Trump returned to power, the issue started anew.

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