TATE Eligibility Test. Exam on 15th December. sunday The examination will be conducted in two sessions. SET admit card will be downloaded from November 20.
How to download admit card?
The User ID and Password message sent by College Service Commission after payment during form filling or registration will be useful now. www.wbcsconline.in-এই Go to the website and download the admit card with the help of user ID and password. Print it and keep it. The admit card contains instructions on what to do and what not to do on the day of the exam.
if anyone want to make correction in admit card
Suppose, mother’s name is not mentioned in candidate’s admit card or there is some other mistake. what to do then According to the guidelines by the College Service Commission, his attendance sheet and identity proof such as voter card, Aadhaar, passport, PAN card, driving license etc. Necessary action for correction can be done only after verification. The officer in charge at the examination center will verify or scrutinize properly. Then take necessary action.
Furthermore, in this case the candidates have been instructed, To keep two copies of passport photos. Directed to submit 2 copies of Revised Admit Card to College Service Commission office by 27th December 2024 after completion of examination. The revised admit card should be self-attested. The card must be submitted between 12 noon and 3 pm.
The decision of the officer-in-charge of the concerned examination center has been informed in this regard.
26th SET will be conducted in two sessions on 15th December. In the first session, the examination will be held from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM. The exam will be held in the second session from 12 noon to 2 pm.
No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination center without admit card. The examination center will be opened one and a half hours before the specified time i.e. by 9 am. No one will be allowed to enter the examination center after the commencement of the examination.
Disclaimer: This information is provided for the benefit of candidates/job seekers as a suggestion. However, a special request to them, before applying must go through the respective websites, official documents/notifications from appropriate official sources. Regards.