Kolkata: If you want to get married, you don’t have to pay tax in Bangladesh. Until now, the bridegroom had to pay money to the government office to register the marriage. But from now on you don’t have to pay tax to get married in that country. In case of first, second, third or fourth marriage, earlier tax was to be paid at fixed rate. Marry more – that was the rule. Now you don’t need any tax to get married, that means the cost of marriage is decreasing in Bangladesh.
Advisor to the interim government Professor Asif Nazrul gave this news in a press conference at the Secretariat on Tuesday. Said, a tax had to be paid to perform a legal marriage. The Law Ministry has decided to abolish this ‘unreasonable tax’.
Also, some changes were made in the registration form. Nikahnama had to write, the bride virgin, widow or divorced! Now some changes have been made in that form, said the legal advisor. Mentioning that the word kumari is disrespectful to women, he said, instead of kumari, it should be written whether the bride is single or not.
Literary Taslima Nasreen has severely criticized this decision of the interim government of Bangladesh and wrote, ‘Reforms are underway to make Bangladesh an Islamic state. ‘He wrote, ‘His main aim was to encourage men in Islam, i.e. polygamy. He has removed all taxes from polygamy.’
Earlier, there were various taxes for marriage in Bangladesh. A tax of Rs 100 was payable on first marriage or remarriage after the death of the wife.
During the lifetime of the first wife, the tax was Rs 5,000 for second marriage, Rs 20,000 for third marriage and Rs 50,000 for fourth marriage. The exception was if the wife was mentally ill or childless.
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