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Japan Elderly Population: With money, no objection, not even to commit crime, the elderly seeking a place in Japan.

Japan Elderly Population: With money, no objection, not even to

New Delhi: Law Court, everyone would have been upset when he heard the name of the jail. But now Japan’s elderly citizens want to go to jail. They are so keen to taste the life of the prison that they are not even doing the crime. Even some are anxious to be in jail with money. He was not able to go to jail without being able to get anyone in his last life, without getting any in the pension money. (Japan Elderly Population)

Tokyo north of Japan’s capital, Tokyo, is the Tochaigi Women’s Prison. That is the largest gel made for female prisoners. & Nbsp; Recently, the second time there was a 5 -year -old, a woman named Akio. It has been reported that Aki has been rejected from the family. He himself is no longer interested in returning to the family. So he deliberately commit a crime to live a free living, so that he can quietly spend old age in jail. (Japan News)

South China Morning Post reports that Akio was arrested once before. He was then in the quota of 5. Akio was arrested after stealing food food. Akio was released from jail in October 2021. But the outside life is pushed to him. He became desperate to return to jail. So deliberately commit a crime again, so that there is a place in jail again. About 5 female prisoners are in the Tochaigi Women’s Prison, most of whom are old. Akio wanted to go back to them. & Nbsp;

Akio said in the media, & ldquo; (first time) I made a mistake by stealing food. If economically transparent, life was comfortable, I would not do it at all. But there are a lot of good people in jail. Maybe life is ideal for me. & Rdquo;

Akio lived with his son before jail. But the boy did not want his mother, alleged that he would go out many times. After being released last year, Akio could not go to the boy. Could not face the boy. & Nbsp;

Akio’s statement, & ldquo; And what will I see in my eyes, I am scared. It’s very difficult to be alone. I am ashamed that such a situation has been created. If the mind was emphasized, life might have been different. But now it is old, no more power to do. & Rdquo; & nbsp;

A jail official said many people like jail-life rather than living alone. They do not mind spending money a month to get a place in jail. Many of the elderly agreed to spend 1 thousand to 3 thousand a month. & Nbsp;

Statistics of the Japanese government say that the population of old age in the country is increasing. In 2021, only 20.5 percent of Japan’s population is senior citizens. The number of citizens on the age of 5 is almost & nbsp; 1 crore 12 lakhs. More than 1 million population is in the list of countries, Japan is at the top in terms of the elderly population.

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