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In the middle sky, the army pushed with the army copter, the passenger plane in the river, the problem of opening the snow to rescue.

In the middle sky, the army pushed with the army

Washington: Passenger planes were the victims of the United States when they entered the national airport. The aircraft was hit with an army helicopter in the middle sky. The accident happened on the Potomac River, near the Washington National Airport. In the wake of the accident, the aircraft has been cut into two pieces. In that case the plane collapsed in the river. The helicopter fell upside down. (Plane Collides with Helicopter)

But it can be difficult to drive rescue in the river. Because at the moment the temperature is below freezing. The Potmac River is almost frozen. The next preparation is going down to operate the rescue. The diver is being dropped in the river. The necessary equipment has also been gathered. (US Plane Accident)

The accident happened near the American Washington National Airport. The accident took place at 5am on Wednesday night at 5pm local time. The passenger plane was coming from Wichita in Kansas. The army helicopter was coming from Fort Belvez, Virginia. The plane was reported to have been accidental a few minutes before landing.

Passenger aircraft and helicopters, both of them, were reported to have collapsed at Potomac Airport after the accident. The plane has become two pieces. The helicopter collapsed in the river. There were 4 passengers and four airlines on the plane. There were four soldiers in the helicopter. It is not yet known whether any of them are alive. However, many casualties are being feared. Rescue has already begun. Local residents also rushed to the scene.

Read more: Helicopter’s push with passenger aircraft in the middle sky, fears of many casualties

Locals said they heard the sudden noise. After that you can understand the real event. The US Federal Aviation Administration said a 12 inland aircraft from PSA Airlines was heading towards Washington National Airport in the United States. At that time, the army Black Hawk Silkrsky H-60 ​​pushed into the middle sky with a helicopter. PSA Airlines were serving for American Airlines that were accidentally accidentally. The plane was coming from Wichita in Kansas. There were 4 passengers and four airlines on the plane. There were four soldiers in the army helicopter. It was coming from the Fort Belvee of Kansas. Many casualties are being feared.

The US federal investigating agency FBI has reported that they will cooperate in the investigation. Right now All the aircraft at the Washington National Airport are being rotated in another direction. In the wake of the accident, the Metro will run till deep night in Washington DC. An investigation has begun on how such a horrific accident happened.

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