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Donald trump to change birthright citizenship policy how it will impact Indians

Donald trump to change birthright citizenship policy how it will

Washington: In America, the right to citizenship by birth has also come under fire. Donald Trump took office for the second time as the President of the United States on Monday. He raised a storm by announcing one decision after another before spending 24 hours. A new addition to that list is the restriction on obtaining citizenship by birth. That is, if you are born on the soil of America, you will not get the citizenship of that country. In this, expatriates from other countries like India will face problems. (Donald Trump)

Trump has agreed to implement several directives after taking office as the US president on Monday. In this, he has also agreed to take away the right to citizenship by birth. It has been said that unless the parents are US citizens by birth, their children will not get citizenship just because they are born in the US. At least one parent must be a US citizen, or have served in the US military. Only then their children born on American soil will be considered as citizens of that country. (Donald Trump on US Birthright Citizenship)

A Trump administration official said, “The children of illegal aliens will not be considered citizens if they are born on American soil.” The process of verifying the identity of illegal aliens will also be strengthened. Illegal entry will be stopped immediately. Millions of illegal aliens will be sent back to where they came from.”

So far in America there was a provision to get citizenship by birth. That is, if a child was born on the soil of America, he was automatically considered a citizen of that country. Even if the parents were citizens of another country, their children had that right. In 1868 that rule came into effect in America. Even though that law was later amended, the basic principle was not changed. This time, Trump withdrew from that policy.

Trump has been seen criticizing that policy several times before. He argued that the policy of granting citizenship by birth is ridiculous. This gives more incentive to illegal intruders. He is heard saying, “We will give up this policy. It is a very ridiculous policy.” Trump also claimed that immigrants from countries like India and China abuse this policy. Trump implemented his own position in the notebook.

However, Trump signed the directive. There are some legal hurdles in implementing the policy. In this case, the constitution also needs to be amended, which is a long process. In that case the support of two-thirds of both houses of Congress is required. A case has already been filed in court regarding Trump’s announcement.

However, immigrants are afraid of Trump’s announcement. Concerns have also been caught among diaspora Indians. Because the number of Indian immigrants in America is the fastest growing. According to statistics in 2024, the number of Indian diaspora in America is more than 54 lakh, which is 1.47 percent of the total population of the country. Of all immigrants in America, 34 percent were born on American soil, nearly two-thirds. So if Trump’s policy goes into effect, people going to work there on H-1B visas, who are waiting for green cards, will be in trouble. The future of thousands of children born to immigrant families in America every year will also be uncertain. Children of Indian couples living there will also not be considered US citizens.

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