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81 thousand taka if a mother is less than 25 years old! Big announcements in Russian cities

81 thousand taka if a mother is less than 25

Give birth to a healthy child and get a huge amount of money. Age must be less than 25. If you are a mother at a young age, the administration will give such a reward!  No not in India. Such a proposal is being made in a city in Russia. Currently, China and Japan are also taking various initiatives to increase the country’s population. Meanwhile, a city in Russia has taken this step in an attempt to increase the population in Russia. 

According to the report published in The Moscow Times, it will not be only the mother. There are some other conditions for getting the money. Matching them is a great reward. This move is said to encourage young boys and girls to start a family and encourage family planning.

Before this, China and Japan have taken various initiatives to increase the population. The government will give 100,000 rubles to young women who become mothers. About 81 thousand rupees in Indian currency. However, not only the mother will get this money, but many conditions must be met. Applicant must be a full-time student at a university or college there. Must be less than 25 years of age. Must be a resident of the Russian city of Karelia. 

Only 599,600 babies were born in Russia in the first half of 2024. Recently, the birth rate in that country has reached a very low level.  Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov expressed concern over this. He termed this  situation as ‘catastrophic for the future of the nation’.   

The guidelines clearly state that if a midwife gives birth to a stillborn, the bonus will not be available. However, it is not clear whether the money will be paid or withdrawn if the child dies due to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. It is also unclear what happens if a child is born with a disability.   There is no mention of whether the administration will help with child care and post-natal care for months. Other regions of Russia are considering similar proposals to encourage young women to have children.  The same rules have been issued in the central Russian city of Tomsk. The report claims that 11 regional governments of Russia have taken the path of giving financial incentives to female students to give birth.  

The Russian government has also increased maternity pay. On the one hand, the birth rate has decreased significantly in Russia.   Adult mortality increased. The youth of the country are also leaving the country. Russia’s population is declining due to so many reasons. The situation worsened in the war atmosphere in Ukraine. So Russia is  trying to raise the birth rate through various measures, including government cash and housing subsidies.

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